This article summarizes the changes to your Windows environment that are made by our Domain Controller Configuration script.
- For basic pre-requisites please see the Insights documentation: - For detailed information on how to set these permissions manually, please see the following article:
Required Permissions for the OpenDNS_Connector user.
DC Configuration Script Overview
Each domain controller requires a one-time registration with the Umbrella API/Dashboard. Our DC Configuration Script initiates this along with the following functions:
- Check necessary permissions and firewall rules are configured
- (Optional) Automatically configure those permissions
- (Optional) Register the Domain Controller with the Umbrella API/Dashboard, only if the above checks have succeed.
A list of Domain Controllers can also be manually registered by Umbrella support. This is typically useful in scenarios where the API / Internet access is not possible for the domain controller.
However, the described permission changes MUST still be configured, so we still strongly recommend to run the configuration script.
When running the script initially no changes are made to the environment. The script will check if all the necessary permissions are in place. If there is a problem, you will be prompted (Y/N)
but for making changes.
Once the registration script has completed no software is required to run on the Domain Controller itself. However, the OpenDNS Connector service must be installed on at least one computer (eg. Domain Controller or Member Server).
Stage 1 - Tests
The script initially gathers the following information:
- Checks OS version and forest functional level
- Checks if the script is being run as Administrator.
- Gets the servers IP Address, Hostname, and Domain name information
- Check if Windows Firewall is enabled, and if the built-in 'Remote Administration' rule is permitted
- Checks for the required domain user account 'OpenDNS_Connector'

- Checks if the OpenDNS_Connector user has permissions for 'Remote Enable' and 'Read Security' in the root\cimv2 WMI namespace.
- Checks if the OpenDNS_Connector account has the Active Directory 'Replicating Directory Changes' permission, which is normally granted by membership of the Enterprise Read-Only Domain Controllers group.
- Checks if the OpenDNS_Connector account is a member of the 'Event Log Readers' group
- Checks if the OpenDNS_Connector account is a member of the 'Distributed COM Users' group
- Checks the resultant set of policy (RSOP) to see if 'Audit Logon Events' is enabled via group policy
- Checks the resultant set of policy (RSOP) to see if the OpenDNS_Connector account has the 'Manage audit and security log' right assigned
Stage 1b - Test Results
The results printed by the configuration script will differ depending on OS version.
On server 2003 and above you will see the following results:
AD User Exists: true/false
WMI Permissions Set: true/false
DCOM Permissions Set: true/false
RDC Permissions Set: true/false
Audit Policy Set: true/false
Manage Event Log Policy Set: true/false
Distributed COM MemberOf: true/false
On Server 2008 and above (only when the forest functional level is 2008+) the following information is also displayed. (This group does not exist in earlier versions):
Event Log Readers MemberOf: true/false
Stage 2 - Auto-Configuration Changes
If the above checks fail, you will be prompted "Do you want us to auto configure this Domain Controller (y or n)?"
before making any changes.
The following changes are made:
- Enables the built-in 'Remote Administration' Windows Firewall rule, if necessary
- Explicitly grants the 'OpenDNS_Connector' account 'Remote Enable' and 'Read Security' permissions in the root\cimv2 WMI namespace.
- Explicitly grants the 'OpenDNS_Connector' account 'Replicating Directory Changes' permissions
- Adds the 'OpenDNS_Connector' account to the 'Distributed COM users' group
On 2008+ the following change is also performed:
- Adds the 'OpenDNS_Connector' account to the 'Event Log Readers' group

Stage 2b - Auto-Configuration Warnings
The script will produce warnings if Group Policy settings are not correctly configured. The script is unable to correct these issues.
All Operation Systems:
- The script will WARN if the 'Audit Logon Events' setting is not correctly configured in Group Policy, but will not modify Group Policy.
On 2003 (And 2003 functional-level):
- The script will WARN if the 'Manage auditing and security log' right is not correctly configured in Group Policy, but will not modify Group Policy.

Stage 3 - Registration
The script will prompt before registering the Domain Controller with Umbrella "Would you like to register this Domain Controller (y or n)?".
The following information is sent to Umbrella:
- Domain Controller Hostname / Label
- Domain Name
- IP Address
- Your unique organization ID and token (contained within your script) to uniquely identify the DC with your Umbrella Organization.
The registration happens securely via