This document outlines what is required in the event you are trying to register a network but receive an error or Umbrella Support has asked you to provide documentation to verify ownership of a network registration.
You may run across either of the following errors when attempting to add a network identity:
Network Already Exists.
Network is a subnet of an existing closed network.
These errors are a result of the network you are trying to add already being registered to another Umbrella customer. If you see these errors please contact support.
Required Documentation
Depending on the IP address, Umbrella support team may require proof of ownership of the network.
Acceptable forms of documentation are as follows:
- A letter from your ISP showing that you have been assigned the IP address. The IP address reflected on the ISP letter should match with the network you are trying to register.
- An original email from your ISP's customer service department confirming that you have been assigned the address you are trying to register.
- A recent invoice from your ISP that shows you have been assigned the address. The IP address you are trying to register should be shown on the invoice.
If you are unable to provide any of the above documentation, you may not be able to register the IP address under your organization.