This article refers to an issue with Internet Explorer version 11 (IE 11) where the custom block page does not appear while it is working in other web browsers such as Firefox and Chrome. When attempting to use a bypass account or code the following message appears:
Your account/code is not allowed bypass access to the requested domain.
To confirm that this is indeed the IE 11 issue, compare the block page between IE 11 and another browser such as Firefox or Chrome. For example:
As a result of this IE 11 issue, bypass codes and users are not able to be used. The solution to this issue is to ensure that:
- The Security Level for the site is at Medium or less
- IE Protected Mode is turned on.
The best method to accomplish this is to add to the Trusted Sites list in the Internet Options, and turn on Protected Mode for the Trusted Zone. Steps to accomplish this are listed below.
- Open Internet Options
- Add to the Trusted Zone. For precautions, https://* may also be added to the Trusted Zone.
- Enable Protected Mode for the Trusted Sites, then hit OK
- If your custom block page does not appear, clear the IE cache.
The custom block page should now appear and allow the domain to be bypassed normally in IE 11.