The latest enhancement to the App Discovery report enables you to control application access with a single click directly from within the App Discovery report itself, streamlining the cloud application auditing process. Previously, you had to pivot to the application list view to implement access control, but now you can complete the process more easily and efficiently.
How to control an App from the App Discovery report?
To control an app from the App Discovery report, follow these steps:
- Access the App Discovery report, navigate to the Secure Access dashboard, go to the 'Monitor' menu, and select 'App Discovery'.
- Drill into the applications table view, locate the application you wish to manage and click on the 'Control this app' button adjacent to it.
- Select the Application List to which you want to add the app. Lists that currently manage the chosen app will be indicated by a checked checkbox. Additionally, next to each Application List, you can examine any rules that utilize it.