Release Date: January 30, 2019
Available January 30, 2019, the Umbrella Chromebook client v1.2.8 includes the below features and enhancements.
- Back-off timer for registration
- Supportability enhancements
- G-Suite integration
Back-off timer for registration
The Chromebook client needs to register with the cloud once every 48 hours. Prior to this release, if registration failed, it would retry every minute. The back-off timer ensures that clients back-off for a random amount of time before retrying registration in order to save resources.
Supportability enhancements
We have enhanced the debug output (found in http://localhost:8029/debug) to show the registration status (pass/fail) rather giving organization IDs.
G-Suite integration
G-Suite integration is in development and the client side changes are included in this release.
For more information, see the Umbrella Chromebook client deployment guide.
Contact umbrella-support@cisco.con with any questions or concerns.