Some users have requested the ability to have Umbrella not time-out and automatically refresh, especially on dashboards that can be set up in a room for everyone to watch.
Because Umbrella's reporting is close to real-time, we're unable to easily implement an auto-refresh feature because in doing so, key information would simply vanish as soon as users have had a chance to focus on it.
However, for some users or on some dashboards-- such on the wall at an operations center -- an autorefresh might be what you want.
There's really just two steps:
1) Create a unique reporting-only user for the dashboard to use for these types of reports.
2) Install a macro generating program or an auto-refresh plugin, such as this one:
and set it to refresh whatever you'd like. One important thing to note is that the reports have encoded parameters in the URLs and most (if not all) reports have sliding time scale ("Last 24 hours") that should allow you to simply refresh every X minutes.
If you would like to refresh now and then, but the request times out because of the dashboard's auto-lock features, please contact Suppport.
NOTE: A browser plugin such as this is NOT supported by Umbrella Support and we encourage you to find the appropriate tool for your environment to replicate the basic 'refresh' button functionality through automation.