This is to announce support for postponing auto-upgrades on the Virtual Appliances for a period of up to 90 days.
Pre-requisite: Postponement is only enforced on Virtual Appliances running version 2.8.4 or higher.
Note: This postponement is only applicable to full upgrade versions which require a restart of the Virtual Appliance. Patches do not require a VA restart and will not be postponed - the VA will automatically apply the patch during the configured auto-upgrade window. Patches are identified by a change in the third digit of the version number. The first or second digit of the version will be changed for a full upgrade.
To configure postponement of full upgrades, navigate to the Sites and Active Directory page on your dashboard and go to the Settings tab of this page. You will see the option to enable or disable postponement of upgrades on this page. Postponement is disabled by default.
If postponement is enabled, your Virtual Appliances will not auto-upgrade immediately after a new version is available. The auto-upgrade will happen 90 days after the new version has been made available to the VA's respective release wave.
Any change in the postponement setting can be done only by full administrators and will be captured in the Admin Audit Log.
If postponement is enabled, it will apply to all the Virtual Appliances in your org. To selectively upgrade some VAs prior to the 90 day completion, choose the VA that needs to be upgraded and click on the Upgrade button. This button will appear only after the VA has downloaded the new release.
The dialog that appears will show the date after which the VA will auto-upgrade. The VA will auto-upgrade in the next upgrade window following this date.
If multiple versions have been downloaded, you can choose which version the VA should upgrade to.
With the auto-upgrade postponement feature, you can now choose to manually trigger upgrade of one or more VAs and validate the new version in your environment before allowing auto-upgrade of the other VAs to this version.