The Umbrella SAML certificate used for Umbrella SWG user identification will expire on the 26th of November 2021 07:47 (UTC). This certificate will be renewed and made available from the 15th of October 2021 providing time from then until the 26th of November 2021 07:47 (UTC) for you to update your Identity provider (IdP) with the new Umbrella SAML certificate.
Updating the certificate is essential to avoid SAML user authentication failures and loss of internet access for those users.
This first communication is intended to make you aware of this upcoming event and provide additional time to plan and schedule the certificate update task with your Identity Provider.
Once the certificate is renewed and made available, a further confirmation update will be published that will provide the locations where the new certificate can be obtained.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your Support contact.
Umbrella Technical Support team.