Fixed Metadata URL
When utilizing SAML authentication for Umbrella SWG we provide two options for importing our certificate information into your Identity Provider (IdP). This is required for those IdPs that verify our request signing certificate.
1) Automatic configuration via fixed metadata URL:
2) Manual import of our new signing certificate. This needs to be done each year as the certificate is replaced.
The first option is now the preferred configuration method for identity providers (IdP) that support URL-Based automatic updates of metadata. This includes popular IdPs such as Microsoft ADFS and Ping Identity. The benefit is that the IdP will automatically import our new certificate each year without manual intervention.
Note: Many IDPs do not perform validation of SAML request signatures and therefore these steps are not required. If in doubt, please contact your Identity Provider vendor for confirmation.
Requirements to access the metadata URL
- An IdP that supports automatic updates of service provider metadata from URL (such as ADFS, Ping)
- Your IdP platform will need to be able to access our metadata URL as well as the associated Certificate Authority URLs ( and )
- Your IdP platform will also need to be able to access the Certificate Authority URLs for the certificate itself ( and )
- Your IdP platform will need to support TLS 1.2 in order to connect to the metadata URL securely. If the IDP application utilizes .NET framework 4.6.1 or earlier this may require some further configuration as per Microsoft's documentation.
Example: Microsoft ADFS
The fixed metadata URL can be configured by editing the Relying Party Trust setup for Umbrella.
1. Navigate to the Monitoring tab and enter the Metadata URL.
2. Select Monitor Relying Party and Automatically Update Relying Party.
Note - Click the Test URL button to verify that ADFS contacts the URL successfully.
3. Click Apply.
Errors / Troubleshooting
If you receive the following error when testing the URL, this typically indicates that a registry change is required to set your .NET Framework version to use strong crypto and support TLS 1.2
Full details on these changes are published by Microsoft in the .Net Framework section of the following article:
Typically though this requires the creation of the following key, followed by closing and re-opening the ADFS Management console
"SchUseStrongCrypto" = dword:00000001
Limitation - Org-Specific EntityID Feature
If using the Umbrella SAML Org-Specific EntityID feature, then you must not use the URL-based metadata update mechanism. Org-Specific Entity ID only applies if you have multiple Umbrella orgs linked to the same Identity Provider. In this scenario you should manually add the certificate to each IDP configuration.
Manual Certificate Import (Alternative)
If your IdP does not support URL-Based updates you will need to manually import the new Umbrella request signing certificate each year to your Identity Provider.
- The certificate will be provided in our Announcements portal each year shortly before the expiry date. Subscribe to the portal for notifications
- Add the new certificate to the list of Service Provider / Relying Party certificates in your IdP.
- DO NOT delete any current certificates. Umbrella continues signing with the old certificate until the time of expiry.
- If your IdP does not contain have the capability to import a Service Provider / Relying party certificate this is a strong indication that it does not validate SAML requests, and no further action is required. Contact your IdP vendor to confirm.
If you encounter a "UPN is not configured" error after importing the new certificate this indicates an error has been made. Consult the following article for troubleshooting: SWG SAML - UPN Not Configured Error