Certain security auditing tools used to scan Umbrella infrastructure may report that the Cisco Umbrella Root CA digital certificate has a 2048-bit RSA key and an expiration after 2030. Depending on the tool and the organization's security policy, the key size and/or expiration date may be flagged as a risk which may require remediation. Review the information below to determine whether your organization should accept the auditing tool's recommendations.
NIST Recommendations
The recommendations for digital certificate key length over time (including the 2030 date for 2048-bit RSA keys) were issued by the US National Institutes of Standards (NIST). The document containing these recommendations is SP 800-57 Part 1 Rev. 5: Recommendation for Key Management
Table 4, Security strength time frames (page 59) indicates that a Security Strength equivalent of 112 symmetric key bits is valid after 2030 for "Legacy use" (RSA 2048-bit asymmetric keys are equivalent to approximately 116 bits of symmetric key strength). The use of an existing root certificate such as the Cisco Umbrella Root CA certificate falls into this category, so would be considered compliant use. Issuing a certificate with a 2048-bit key after 2030 would not comply with the recommendation.
Other well-known public certificate authorities continue to use root certificates with 2048-bit RSA keys and expiration dates after 2030. Review DigiCert documentation: DigiCert Trusted Root Authority Certificates for examples, such as the Global Root CA certificate and the Assured ID Root CA certificate, issued by DigiCert.
Well before 2030, we expect that Cisco Umbrella will issue one or more new root certificates with larger key sizes, which will comply with NIST recommendations.
Additional Information
Organizations are free to decide whether the NIST recommendations meet their needs. If you have further concerns about this issue, Cisco has a dedicated PKI team which oversees Cisco's Trusted Root Store & PKI Compliance program. Additional information from the Cisco PKI team (including all Cisco-issued public certificates, certificate policies and practice statements, and other documentation) is available at Cisco PKI: Policies, Certificates, and Documents. Additional questions can be emailed to the PKI team at